Visitor Information
Why choose Bermuda?
- Bermuda’s location is a convenient short flight from the east coast of the United States, (approximately 700 miles).
- Air and water temperatures are moderate year-round (55-85°F, 13-29°C, and 62-82°F, 17-28°C, respectively).
- The sub-tropical climate supports a rich diversity of plants and animals, coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrass beds.
- Our reefs, warmed by the Gulf Stream, form the northernmost coral reef ecosystem in the world. They are more vulnerable to outside variables than more southerly reefs, and are therefore a useful indicator of the effect of stresses on these species.
- The inshore reefs are easily accessible and provide a rich nursery for study. Deep water, which yields a totally different type of research, is accessible by ship in only a couple of hours.
- Bermuda has an interesting geological history; its origins as a volcanic seamount can be observed from the current topography of the island.
- Bermuda is a small island – 21.5 mi² (35 km²) – so any location can be reached within an hour. This makes it easy to conveniently access different locations efficiently, within one day.
Why choose BIOS?
- BIOS has excellent resources for data collection in a variety of marine environments: seashore/beach, mangrove forests, patch/rim reefs, and open ocean.
- Students have the opportunity to carry out research on a variety of well-equipped research vessels, such as Stommel or Sea Dance and, depending upon the course, the 168ft R/V Atlantic Explorer.
- BIOS has a variety of teaching rooms, lecture halls, and laboratories of different sizes to accommodate the needs of visiting groups. Visit the facilities page for more information.
- The Institute has state-of-the-art scientific equipment – wet lab, sea tables, microscopes, and laboratories – that allow students to get an introduction to the practical side of research.
- Students are taught by leading scientists from across the globe, as well as by graduate interns who have also benefited from the educational programs at BIOS.
- The Institute is located on the water's edge in 15 acres of well-kept tropical parkland.
- BIOS is situated near the historic town of St. George’s (a UNESCO World Heritage site) on the eastern end of Bermuda, which is within convenient distance of the newly constructed LF Wade airport.
- Living arrangements at BIOS are comfortable and reasonably priced. Three hearty meals are provided daily, as well as packed lunches for weekends and when students are out on field visits. Accommodations can be made for different dietary needs.
- The BIOS bus is available for student transport around the island and for scientific excursions.
- BIOS has a full time Diving Safety Officer and is a member of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS).
Related Items
BIOS Campus Map
Visiting Educational Groups Fee Schedule & Information
Visiting Scientist Fee Schedule & Information
Bermuda Tourism Authority
Department of Immigration
Immigration Information
Consulate General of the U.S.
Bermuda International Airport
Elbow Beach Cycle Rentals