Ocean Circulation Implicated in Past Abrupt Climate Changes


A paper co-authored by BIOS President and CEO William Curry found that there was a period during the last ice age when temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere went on a rollercoaster ride, plummeting and then rising again every 1,500 years or so. Those abrupt climate changes wreaked havoc on ecosystems, but their cause has been something of a mystery.

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Understanding the Ocean of the Past Using Ocean Sediments

ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere

A study published in a recent issue of Nature Geoscience looks at the impacts of historic glacial events, called Heinrich events, on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) by investigating oxygen isotopes in the shells of benthic foraminifera

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Scientists Improve Climate Predictions Using Tiny Marine Organisms

shells of marine foraminifera

In a recent paper published in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, a group of researchers led by T.M. Marchitto (University of Colorado, Boulder), and including BIOS Director Bill Curry, studied benthic foraminifera in order to develop improved calibrations between temperature and oxygen isotopes

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BIOS Welcomes New Development Director

Audrey Rogerson

In a move to bolster the organization’s fund raising efforts and further advance its research and educational programs, BIOS recently welcomed Audrey Rogerson as its new Director of Resource Development

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BIOS Hosts Gala Event on November 9th

With the start of its 110-year anniversary just a few months away, and the recent installation of Dr. William Curry as the new President and Director, the BIOS has more than one reason to celebrate. Given the coincident timing of these two momentous occasions, BIOS is pulling out all the stops for its 2012 Gala Celebration on Friday, November 9 at the Fairmont Hamilton Princess hotel

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BIOS Appoints President and Director

After an extensive six-month international search BIOS is pleased to announce that Dr. William Curry will be stepping in as the new BIOS President and Director in September — subject to immigration approval

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